

최중현 교수(롬한인장로교회) 영어설교- The Lord’s Trial (Luke 23:1-25)

김영애 기자

The Lord’s Trial 

(Luke 23:1-25)


1. Today’s text is about the Lord’s trial, which we know all too well.

(1) Everyone, have you ever thought about this?

When we look at the Lord’s trial, there are many events that we do not understand. It is common for the plaintiff and defendant to be treated seriously for several days in the first, second, and third trial, no matter how heinous the crime, when imposing the death penalty, which is the highest penalty in court, but this is not the case in the Lord’s trial.

(2) Even though it was a public holiday, a court was held and a public meeting was held to file a complaint, and the death penalty was immediately executed as soon as the verdict was made… What do you think?

(3) Then why? why? Did the Lord have to undergo a trial like this?

So today, as we think about [The Lord’s Trial], we would like to receive grace together.

2. First, let’s look at the Lord’s trial process.

(1) If you look at the text, it says that the Lord was on the trial by three organizations. First, let’s look at Luke 22:66. That’s right. If you look at the exact schedule, he was interrogated all night from Thursday night to Friday morning by Annas and Caiaphas, the high priests at the time. And when the day broke, the Lord was taken to the Sanhedrin, the highest decision-making body in Judea, and in the end, the Lord was on the trial by the governor.

(2) So what ruling does Governor Pilate make at that time? If you look at verse 4 of the text, the governor finds the Lord not guilty. So why does the governor acquit? This is because, as you can see in verse 2 of the text, the Lord’s crime was fabrication. In verse 2, that's right. The accusation that “he deceived the people and forbade them to pay taxes to Caesar” was a nonsensical accusation. If you look at Luke 20:22, the authorities brought up the tax issue in an attempt to get the Lord involved. What is the Lord’s answer then? That’s right. It was clearly stated, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s.” And even in Matthew 17:24, when the authorities were talking about the temple tax, he even said, “If you go out to the sea, throw a net, and check the mouth of the first fish that comes up, a shekel will come out, so you can use that to pay the temple tax.” But still, does Pilate not know if it’s a conspiracy? So, if you look at verse 7 of the text, Pilate handed the case over to King Herod.

(3) Now the Lord has been judged by King Herod. At that time, the conflict between King Herod and Governor Pilate was severe and they were enemies. However, if you look at verse 12, it says that on this day they became friends. That’s right. Even enemies who were enemies became friends in order for the Lord to be killed. In fact, King Herod lived in anxiety ever since he killed John the Baptist. So he wanted to meet the Lord (Luke 13:31). However, upon interrogation, Herod was unable to find a charge against the Lord, so verse 11 states that he sent the Lord back to Pilate. Everyone, think about it. No matter how much they colluded, they could not create a sin that did not exist. So in the end, they used public sentiment to threaten Pilate. This was the trial the Lord faced three times.

3. So what lesson does the Lord’s trial give us today?

(1) That is, because the Lord had to die on the Passover, God mobilized power and religious leaders. That’s right. The Lord’s trial, unprecedented in history, was truly a planned one, and the Lord had to die on the Passover. That is why they joined hands and killed the Lord. However, if you look at this, it will be the same when the Lord comes to this earth. Everyone, Joseph and Mary were living in Nazareth at the time. But what did God do since the coming Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem? Didn’t Emperor Caesar issue an order for family registration throughout the country? That is why they had to go all the way to Bethlehem. That’s right. The Lord, who is sinless, had to become a lamb at the Passover and become a ransom offering to atone for our sins.

(2) So, looking at Pilate’s action makes you think about many things.

Let’s look at verse 23 of the text. That’s right. Author Luke emphasizes that the voice of the people won first. Then what was the voice of the people at that time? This part is explained in detail in John 19. First, in John 19:22, the people shouted: [If you declare his innocence again, you are no longer Caesar’s loyalist.] That’s right. The most terrifying threat to a politician may be Caesar’s loyalty. So, Pilate collapsed at these words. But there was something even scarier than this. How does the high priest make that declaration? In John 19:15, [We have no king but Caesar.] Everyone, if you are a high priest, shouldn’t you call God king? However, their central statement was, “We have no king except Caesar.” So what were Pilate’s last words? In Matthew 27:24, [When he saw that an uprising was about to break out, he took water and washed his hands and said, ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood. Please see to it yourselves.’ The people say they will take blame for his blood and even to their descendants.] That’s right. This is the final verdict of the Lord’s trial.

(3) So what is the conclusion of today’s text? First, let’s make this assumption: What would have happened to human history if Pilate had acquitted the Lord? So, looking at the Lord’s trial today, we can see that the Lord’s death was not a personal death, but the death of the Passover lamb. So, I hope today will be a time of abstinence as you watch the pain and suffering of the Lord and participate in that suffering. It is now the season of Lent. So what are you feeling now as you watch the Lord’s trial today? So, I pray that we will be those who think of the love of the Lord and the grace of God and be sober-minded and determined.








취재: 김영애 기자    기사입력 : 24-03-12 09:54

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