

최중현 교수(롬한인장로교회) 영어설교- True Sabbath (Luke 13:10-17)

김영애 기자

True Sabbath (Luke 13:10-17)


1. In the Bible, the most conflicting argument with the Lord was the Sabbath.


(1) Let’s check. In Mark 1:21, when the Lord began His ministry, the first conflict was the Sabbath. Also, in John 5:9, a 38-year-old man was healed on the Sabbath, and a commotion broke out. Still, the Lord did not give in and healed the man who was born blind in John 9:14. Eventually, the Lord healed man but people made him accuse the Lord. Then, in Luke 13, a conflict arises with the synagogue leader over the Sabbath issue, and in the next chapter, Luke 14:1, the Pharisees intentionally cause a Sabbath issue, and the council eventually decides to kill the Lord.


(2) In this way, the Sabbath was a rule like a tree of life within Judaism.


That’s why they made the elder’s inheritance and strengthened the regulations for this Sabbath. So today, the synagogue leader was angry about the Lord healing the sick on the Sabbath. So, looking at verse 14 of the text, while the leader of the synagogue was watching the Lord’s every move, a collision eventually occurred. This is the content of today’s text.


(3) The content is roughly as follows. At that time, Israel’s synagogue worship was conducted in three parts, and especially in the third part, the general public discussed and taught the Bible, so there were many people at that time. However, looking at the main text, the Lord preached. Let’s look at verses 10-11. At that time, there was someone who shone in the eyes of the Lord. It was a woman who had been crooked for 18 years and could not straighten her back. Ladies and gentlemen, if she said that her problem had been for 18 year, and she had not been able to straighten her back due to “Ankylosing Spondylitis”, and given worship to God while crooked for 18 years, how precious is this faith? That is why in verse 12 the author emphasizes the (Greek) “Idon” that the Lord [sees] that the author pointed out to the suffering of this woman. That is why the Lord gave the title to this woman, [the daughter of Abraham], and laid his hands on her and set her free from her sickness. Then the ruler of the synagogue was furious when he saw that she was giving her glory to God. Satan has always hindered the work of the Lord. So today, I would like to have a time to think about the true Sabbath together about the Sabbath.


2. First of all, what kind of day is the Sabbath?


(1) In Exodus 20, it is clearly stipulated that [six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God, that is, the day on which you are not to do any work]. So, in order to keep this Sabbath, the Pharisees risked their lives and adhered to the things that should not be done on this day.


(2) However, the problem is that they did not properly understand the Sabbath.


That is why the Lord explained in verse 15 to the ruler of the synagogue who was protesting. That’s right. In Sabbath, there is an exception to saving life first. That’s right. In Matthew 12:11, the Lord also quoted [Deuteronomy 23:5] and [1 Samuel], emphasizing cutting grain and eating it on the Sabbath by hand when entering a neighbor’s grain field, instead of using a scythe. Let’s check. That’s right. In [1 Samuel 21], David emphasized that when he went to Ahimelech the priest to escape Saul’s death, Ahimelech gave the consecrate bread.


That’s right. As such, the Sabbath made an exception for saving lives, so in verse 15 of the main text, the Lord said, “Wouldn’t you untie your ox or donkey from the barn and lead it to water?”


(2) Even so, the synagogue leader insisted on the Sabbath until the end. That’s right. Of course, [Exodus 20:10] says, “The Sabbath is the holy day of the Lord… You should do nothing.” So, what is the limit of this nothing? That’s why the elders’ inheritance [Article 39, section 234] was made, and even now, the hardliners of Judaism [prohibit travel of more than 6 stadia (about 1,200 meters) on the Sabbath, and do not carry more than two figs and do not have food or married life]. So, would these people understand the actions of the Lord? So, in [Mark 3:6], the Pharisees tried to keep this order by holding hands even to the party of Herod, who was hostile to each other.


(3) Then, did the synagogue leader not understand the word of the Lord today?


1) It is precisely because they did not realize the love of the Lord.


That’s right. The law was only a theory, and they did not understand the heart of God at all, so the Lord rebuked the synagogue leader as a [hypocrite]. So, how do we look now? Are you still living without practicing the love of the Lord, insisting only on the fear of the law?


2) It is because people did not realize that the Lord is the owner of the Sabbath.


In Matthew 12:5-8, it is emphasized that the Lord is the coming Messiah, the true temple and the Lord of the Sabbath. That is why the Lord said, “Even if you break the Sabbath in the temple… He said, ‘Here is someone greater than the temple.’” However, the leader of the synagogue did not even realize this Lord, and rather took the lead in killing the Lord. That’s why he couldn’t enjoy true rest. That’s right. The true Sabbath is to enjoy peace by not doing anything on the Sabbath. Everyone, where does true rest come from? That’s why the Lord invited “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”


3) That is why we must experience the love of the Lord by faith.


That is why the Lord emphasized the parable of the mustard seed and the yeast in the last part. Let’s look at verse 18 together. That’s right. What conclusion did the Lord give to the ruler of the synagogue in the text when He spoke of the true Sabbath? That is why the author emphasized [therefore] in verse 18. What do mustard seed and yeast have in common? That is, these are the smallest. However, when that small thing grows, the change is enormous, so its vitality is amazing. So, this is why the Lord mentioned that the kingdom of God is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough. But that is exactly what we believe. So faith changes our lives because it is growth. This is the conclusion of today’s message.



This text is one we have seen too often. So, today we are going to think about true faith in the text. What kind of faith do you have? It certainly does not come from the law. Like the woman who heard the word of the Lord and received His grace today even though she was crooked for 18 years and could not straighten her back, I believe that the Lord values our faith. What do you need right now? I believe that if the Lord just lays his hands on you, then whatever your problem may be, it will be solved. This is the love of the Lord and the power of the Lord. Do you believe in this? If you have faith the size of the mustard seed, I believe that history will surely appear in you too. I hope you believe that this is the true rest in your life.













취재: 김영애 기자    기사입력 : 23-07-31 12:46

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